Okay, can we all be honest and talk about how anti-human these lefties are?
These are the people who will call you "un-empathetic" and then turn around and talk about immigrants as if they are nothing more than subhuman slaves who have to pick the cotton.
Jasmine Crockett, Texas Democrat, take it away!
How many of you are sending your kids to college to go and work on the farm? Okay, well, guess who is working the farms so that you can afford your food? So that you can have food? Now how many of you are looking to send your kids into hospitality after this college education so they can go and make the beds in hotels? How many of you are planning to send your kids to college ... so that they can then go and build these houses?
Working on the farm, working at hotels and restaurants, working in construction?
Those aren't "dignified" jobs; Americans are too good for those.
No, our genteel children can't get their hands dirty. Instead, we need to import the black and brown people to work the fields!

It's so dehumanizing! As if hard work is only for a certain type of person.
As if there aren't millions of unemployed Americans that would work these hard jobs if it weren't for immigrants who undercut their wages.
Democrats never change!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇