Not Satire: New York Times Chief White House Correspondent Uses Translation Headset To Decipher Biden's Mumbles
· Jul 8, 2024 ·

This can't be real. There's no way.

(Except it is.)

The Chief White House correspondent at The New York Times using "translation headphones" to decipher what the president is saying when he mumbles?

I promise this is real. I found it right here. It's in The New York Times.

The Times's chief White House correspondent, Peter Baker, told me he has started using translation headsets on overseas trips, even when he is 20 feet away from the president, because they offer a magnified volume when Biden starts to mumble.

Possibly, Peter Baker is using the Google Translate feature mentioned in this Babylon Bee article.

Peter might want to brush up on his Bidenese with these two videos from our fearless leaders here at Not the Bee.

Either way, we live in the strangest of times!

A New York Times reporter is using translation headphones to translate our president's speech when he speaks flippin' ENGLISH!

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