"The Daily Show" hosted a focus group of black voters and according to our president only half of them were actually black 🤣
· Jul 11, 2024 · NottheBee.com

I remember when The Daily Show at least pretended to be a comedy show on current affairs, rather than whatever it has become.

Earlier in the week, in their never-ending pursuit of giggles, they decided to hold an election focus group of black voters … aaaaand it didn't go as they planned.


"I didn't see that coming."


Not only did half of the focus group say that they were voting for Trump, but this included two of the three black women.

Black women voting for Trump?!?!

Impossible, according to Democrats.

"I've always been a Democrat," one of the likely Trump voters said. "For the most part with the Democratic Party, they always make a bunch of promises that they can't deliver."

"They use the issues of the African American community as a soapbox to stand on, and make promises just to get us to come out and vote, and then once we vote and everyone's in place, it's like ‘well, what happened?'" said another.

Welp, I guess these voters ain't black after all! Just ask President Biden.

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