Ladies and gentlemen, meet the newest and most transgender member of Congress, Congressman Tim Sarah McBride, who apparently enjoys grooming children at public schools.
From the book:
I have a girl brain, but a boy body. This is called transgender. I was born this way.
Then, one amazing day, everything changed. Mom and dad took me to meet a new doctor who asked me lots and lots of questions. Afterward, the doctor spoke to my parents and I heard the word "transgender" for the very first time ...
Mom and dad told me I could start wearing girl clothes to school, and growing my hair long. They even let me change my name to Jazz. I don't mind being different. Different is special.
Reading this to kids at a public school...

And then we get this from the Congressman:
I want to tell you a little bit about myself. ... When I was born, the doctors and my parents, they all thought that I was a boy [because] society, people around them told them that was the case. But it took me getting a little bit older to be able to say that, in my heart and in my mind, I was a girl.
Serious question:
It's definitely grooming! Grooming these children for a lifetime of confusion and potential destructive choices, at the very least.
Some other high-profile commentators were more blunt about it:
This video may have been from some time ago, as it looks like McBride is at the school under the auspices of the pro-LGBT Human Rights Campaign for which he used to work.
A video of him promoting the pro-trans book, which circulated on social media this week, was also from a few years ago:
The book depicts Jazz Jennings's life story in which he claimed to be a girl and his parents supported him in this delusion all the way through castration and breast implants. It's a crazy story that reads like science fiction, and we covered it a few years back.
Back to the book:
This is the material our first "transgender" Congressman likes to read to children. A nightmare that simply needs to end. Now.
You'll recall that this man pretending to be a woman has already caused a stir on Capitol Hill:
Very disturbing stuff!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇