Whoopi shares the Democrat position on Biden: "I don't care if he's pooped his pants ... I'm gonna stand behind [him]"
· Jul 8, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Okay, we can't cover all of the stupid things they say on The View, but this one is a doozy.

Listen to Whoopi Goldberg giving every Democratic sheep voter's position on Joe Biden's mental capacity.

I don't care if he's pooped his pants. I don't care if he can't put a sentence together. Show me he can't do the job and then I'll say, 'Okay, maybe it's time to go.'


There are two debates. And if he can't do what he needs to do for the second debate, I'll join any crew that says get rid of him. But loyalty to me, if you are doing the job, I might not like everything you're doing ... but I'm gonna stand behind you.

At this point, I don't think there's anything that would change these people's minds on Joe Biden.

Biden's braindeadedness is a feature, not a bug, and the Democratic base is ride-or-die.

They'll be Biden supporters until the TV tells them it's okay not to be.

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