Harrison Ford couldn’t have picked a worse reason to endorse Kamala Harris

Peter Heck

Nov 4, 2024

To say that devotion to progressive politics runs deep in Hollywood might be the understatement of the century.

While touting themselves as bastions of tolerance and open-mindedness, Hollywood liberals have created a judgmental echo chamber of arrogant contempt aimed at anyone who would deign to enter their profession and not profess a sworn allegiance to Democratic Party politics.

No policy is too ineffective, no idea is too radical, no leader is too incompetent that the stars of Tinsel Town won't promote and bankroll them, so long as they put a (D) beside their name on the ballot.

So to see aging Hollywood legend Harrison Ford mumble through his obligatory endorsement of Kamala Harris last weekend was hardly surprising. But to hear the reason he offered to back her?


There's a scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, one of Ford's earliest smash hits, where he decides to chase down a truck and delivers one of his most memorable lines: "I don't know … I'm making this up as I go."

With that justification of Harris' presidential aspirations, Harrison Ford and the fictional Indiana Jones became the same person.

Only someone utterly clueless about the person he is endorsing, someone who is literally just making it up as he goes, could cite Harris' dedication to "protect your right to disagree with her about policies or ideas" as her selling point. Consider:

  • Kamala Harris is on video, saying that her government would need to regulate social media in order to silence people who disagree with her views:

  • Kamala Harris chose to make her final sales pitch to the American people the outright demonization of half the country as racist Nazis, following a would-be Hitler. Those aren't the characterizations of one who respects the right of dissent and disagreement.

  • Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified that the Biden/Harris administration "pressured" his company to "censor" content about the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Kamala Harris called on Twitter to suspend her opponent Donald Trump's account in 2019 - when he was the sitting President of the United States.

  • After having embarrassed Harris in the 2020 presidential primary by exposing her terrible record as an L.A. prosecutor, Tulsi Gabbard landed on a Biden/Harris TSA watchlist.

Harris' position is clear.

If you profit off of hate … we [the government] are going to hold you accountable.

The obvious question to a thinking person - a title that obviously excludes willful lemmings like Ford - is who determines what constitutes ‘hate'?

Well, the government, of course.

The Left has a long history of labeling mainstream conservative thought they disagree with as hate, even obvious things like, "there are two sexes, male and female," and "marriage is a God-given institution between a man and a woman," and "no one gets to heaven except through Jesus."

One of the Left's favorite arbiters of what constitutes hate, the Southern Poverty Law Center, is notorious for stalking, harassing, labeling, and inciting violence against mainstream conservative institutions.

  • Leftists like the SPLC, and politicians like Kamala Harris that empower and rely upon them, aren't targeting neo-Nazis; they're going after the Family Research Council.

  • They aren't lashing out at Nick Fuentes; they're politically targeting Tulsi Gabbard.

  • They aren't censoring pornographic material in elementary schools; they're censoring private citizens concerned about government's conscriptive policies that mandate experimental vaccines as a condition of employment.

That isn't a commitment to free speech. It isn't the work of those who will vigorously defend the right of others to disagree and debate ideas. It's the work of shallow, sensitive authoritarians frightened by the thought of sincere dissent. It's the work of those supported by Ford-like Hollywood extremists who routinely put ideology over the Constitution as they did in 2016 when they attempted to pressure the Electoral College into rejecting the will of the states:

Now, do I think Ford's endorsement matters? Of course not.

No one is surprised to see an obscenely wealthy, morally backward, Hollywood elite like Ford endorsing Kamala Harris. And truthfully, anyone who trusts the judgment of a person that would agree to headline a movie like the "Dial of Destiny" is likely a lost cause anyway.

But surely it's not unreasonable to expect Mr. Ford to at least be up front and honest with those who have financed his life of undeserved luxury all these years? If you feel the need to tell us you're supporting Harris, fine.

But be honest about the reason, because there's no one with a brain who believes it has anything to do with free speech.

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