Report: FBI employee who works in background-check division jokes about Trump getting shot, takes aim at "2nd-Amendment loving hillbillies"
· Jul 14, 2024 ·

Dismantle the FBI and scatter the ashes.

From FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin:

Here are Howell's posts:

The FBI employs people who hate you, hate your family, hate your values, and hate your way of life.

They joke about your leaders almost getting murked while using deep war chests to paint you as the extremist.

Here Howell is suggesting that the assassination was a conspiracy theory and mocking distrust of the DOJ.

Seraphin encouraged people to report employees like Howell on the FBI tips line.

Though what good that will do when the agency openly hires people like Howell, I'm not sure.

Good thing the FBI is in charge of this investigation into the attempted assassination, right?

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