Learn how this one Texan might succeed in his solo effort to bring down Greenpeace USA
· Sep 13, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Sometimes, all you need to get stuff done is one really ticked off Texan.

Enter Kelcy Warren, the billionaire owner of the major pipeline company Energy Transfer, who is finally providing us with the WWE spinoff we all want: billionaire v.s. environmentalists.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Energy Transfer is taking Greenpeace to court, claiming they bankrolled attacks on his Dakota Access Pipeline and spread a whole lot of misinformation about it back in 2016.

'Everybody is afraid of these environmental groups and the fear that it may look wrong if you fight back with these people,' Warren said in 2017. 'But what they did to us is wrong, and they're gonna pay for it.'

Back in 2016, the Dakota Access Pipeline was basically the Super Bowl for environmental activists. They flocked to North Dakota like it was Coachella (but with more tear gas) to protest its construction.

Warren's lawsuit is asking for $300 million in damages and is leveraging laws originally used to target organized crime, arguing that the protests not only delayed the $3.8 billion project, but racked up millions in additional costs.

Meanwhile, Greenpeace USA is arguing that this is an attack on free speech.

Yeah, I guess vandalism and terrorism are protected speech now.

Even if this does bankrupt Greenpeace USA, Greenpeace's international efforts would survive as they're based in the Netherlands.

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